Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Coffee, Snow, Cold and Bitter

It finally happened I am sitting in a coffee shop writing this blog. I always wondered who went to a coffee shop to write, read or just hang out and surf the net. This week is finals week at my sons school which means he has very short days and it does not make sense to go back home and trek back to the school to pick up our little genius. A small sacrifice to ensure his success. So here I sit burning two hours. This place has the best coffee in town, personally speaking, but it needs a major cleaning. I guess the gritty floors, aloof personnel, scuffed walls and crunchy granola people are what gives it character. When you breeze in for a quick coffee you miss all the glamor, glitz and dirt of the local coffee stop. They have a steady flow of people coming and going. Note to self daisy dukes with black leggings do not look good, should I tell the little chicky sitting next to me. Another side note, as an acupuncturist I love all the young people (and some old) who walk around with their heads tilted down reading text and e-mails. I just go by and hand them my card, "come and see me in a few years when your neck and thumbs don't work anymore". I am always curious what is so important or interesting that we have to walk around with it glued to our hand. I must admit I like the sign at the counter "please finish your call before ordering". Sad that we have to tell people this, what happened to manners.

I chose to bring my iPad on the maiden voyage along with the new wireless keyboard I got for christmas. It's compact nature allows me to sit quietly in the corner with my ipod turned up and be in my own little world. Not that I really have any trouble going into my own little world in the middle of winter. It has been snowing for what seems like a year but really only a day and a half. Now the strong winds are blowing this shit around like the desert sands. Perhaps I failed to mention I hate winter and the gloomy overcast days. Bring on the sun, please. The smells of the coffee seem to be lifting my spirits a bit, plus I have my back to the windows that showcase the white stuff so well. The concrete floors are marked with the tracks of the java travelers who all seem to be oblivious to the snow as if they are in the Matrix.

Made it through the holidays, they were very nice this year, rather low key. Christmas was spent at the parental units house. Small group composed of family, friends and one furry pal. A wonderful dinner, concluded by some gift opening and witty banter. I conducted iPad classes for those who got them for christmas. It is times like this I wish I had invented the iPad and iTunes, the money they must have raked in this holiday season. The day passed quickly and without drama so I consider that a success. The week between Christmas and New Years went really quick even with a surly teenager in the house. On New Years Eve we had more friends and family at the compound, a few adult beverages and of course enough food for an army. We played games and chatted, watched the ball drop and off to bed . I suppose we have started somewhat of a tradition since we ended up at the casino again this New Years Day evening. The trip to the casino was as entertaining as the actual arrival. In honor of "Myth Busters" we discussed and hypothesized if a seat warmer on high would ignite human gas. We did not test the theory as we had a car full but determined we should send it to the guys on the show to test out. You just never know what kind of intellectual conversation might pop up.

The smell of desperation with a side of anxiety and lady luck was in the air when we entered the casino. Just twenty more dollars and I can win back everything and become the first millionaire who did it with two dollars; probably not. My friend Cynthia always says Las Vegas was not built on winners. I assume that holds true in Indiana as well, so I always set a limit for myself. Cynthia would know better than anyone else as she will be the one to hand you her last twenty dollars and say, "don't give me that no matter what I say". I am sure she will kick my ass for sharing that fun fact but she is so funny when she gets that wild look in her eyes; like an addict scoring heroine. Come on wheel be good to me, come on daddy/mommy needs a new pair of shoes. So my wife and I hit the high roller penny slot area with our stash and work the machines like it is our job. I like to play "The Amazing Race", and always seem to win back the money we are down. It did not fail me this time we left with about three dollars ahead of our initial investment. I know, I know not a big win but it was cheap entertainment for four hours and we left with a small gain. We scurried home in the frigid cold, we always leave our coats in the car; so the walk in the parking garage is an adventure. Did I mention yet, I hate winter, grrrrrrrrrr. All the sad, disappointed faces in the garage lead me to believe not everyone was as fortunate as us with our three dollar gain. They may have the loosest slots in Indiana but it appears they may have been a little constipated this evening.

Back in the coffee shop I have managed to piss away my first hour between a few telephone calls, writing and playing a Scrabble type game with opponents scattered around the country, ps: I am on fire and have yet to loose a game to anyone. Jinx; I am sure to eat those words by night fall. I don't consider myself a wordsmith but I am good at combining triple, doubles and multiple words to score big.

Still no sunshine but I do love being downtown with all the bustling cars and people. I am at the corner of Senate and Michigan and can see the State House dome reaching above the other buildings. Funny how the tallest buildings are owned by the insurance companies and banks. Alright I have rambled enough, almost time to get the boy so I sign off today and wish everyone a Happy New Year. Stay warm.

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